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About Us

  • Total Protection Survival Shelters for TEOTWAYKI
                (The End of The World as we Know It)

Total Protection is a Leader for TEOTWAYKI Survival Shelter Design, Engineering, Construction, Prefab Shelters, and DYI Shelter Products, featuring Total Wall Stucco Products.

We have successfully completed many Total Protection shelters, and have many prefab shelters and shelter products available for your protection  

Your Total Protection shelter should have independent sources of water, sewage, fuel, electricity, HVAC, food and supplies and all critical systems must include two back-up redundant systems. In some circumstances, the shelter location should be concealed from view and, to the extent reasonable, all air intakes/exhausts are to be camouflaged. The shelter should incorporate a minimum of two secret emergency exits. The design and construction of the shelter must be in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC).

Your Total Protection survival shelter will be designed and constructed to mitigate the anticipated effects of a TEOTWAYKI scenario, no one knows for certain what, if anything will actually occur. However, most engineers and scientists agree that for a fully protected TEOTWAYKI survival shelter the following threats must be planned for.

  • Inflation
  • An economic recession
  • An economic depression
  • Complete global economic collapse
  • Terrorist nuclear, biological, and or chemical warfare
  • Nation-state nuclear, biological, and or chemical warfare
  • A third world warAn oil embargo on the First World nations
  • Martial Law
  • Invasion
  • Cartels and gangs
  • Climate Change
  • Major volcanic and or earthquake events
  • Major asteroid or comet strike
  • Hurricanes
  • EMP Solar flares or manmade EMP
  • Flooding
  • Extreme fires
  • Magnetic pole shift
  • Radiological, chemical and biological weapons
  • Forced entry and armed assaults
  • Snow, rain, and hail

Your Total Protection survival shelter will generally function as a stand-alone underground Structure. Supplies and Emergency Escape man-ways and extraction procedures should be considered in the basic design.

If your Total Protection survival shelter is forced to the surface it must be capable of surviving all of the above threats absent the protection of earth coverage. Post Attack Recovery Plans specific to the facility’s function/capabilities are to incorporate the anticipated after-effects of the Threat Event and allow for occupant survival and sustainability.

We have over 40 years’ experience in the shelter design and building industry, and we are convinced that the possible effects from a catastrophic TEOTWAYKI Threat Event demands a Total Protection Shelter and or Total Protection Shelter Program.

Our Total Protection products range from prefabricated mini shelters, to large luxury prefabricated or built onsite shelters, we even offer DYI (Do It Yourself) shelter kits featuring our Total Wall Stucco Products.